Request ebooks
- Please add only English title/s.
- Please supply the publisher's name/s and the title/s (If your request is too vague or broad it is more than likely going to be ignored so provide as much info as you can.)
- Please check your spelling of publishers/titles you require, incorrectly spelled comics requests often yield no results.
- Please check the publication date if it is a new release and ensure it has been published.
- Please supply the publisher's name/s and the title/s (If your request is too vague or broad it is more than likely going to be ignored so provide as much info as you can.)
- Please check your spelling of publishers/titles you require, incorrectly spelled comics requests often yield no results.
- Please check the publication date if it is a new release and ensure it has been published.
Request! [Name of title] by [Publisher] ([Date])
• Young Justice #13 by Wonder Comics (05.02.2020)
• Ms. Marvel Vol. 3 (Marvel Comics)
• Sabrina the Teenage Witch #1 by Archie (2019)