Harley Quinn: The Animated Series - The Real Sidekicks of New Gotham Special (Harley Quinn: The Animated Series - The Real Sidekicks of New Gotham Special #1)
Publisher: DC Comics
Language: English
Date: 2022
Heroes: Batgirl, Batman, Frank the Plant, Harley Quinn, James Gordon, Joker, Poison Ivy, Queen of Fables, Tawny Young, Vixen
Number of pages: 89
Format: CBR
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What happens when writers from Harley Quinn the TV show and Harley Quinn: The Animated Series: The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour the comic book get together and swap stories from New Gotham? Absolute mayhem, that’s what! Follow what happened to some of your favorite Gotham sidekicks on Tawny Young’s new trash-tastic daytime talk show and watch the chairs fly as they spill the tea! Guest-starring Clayface, Batgirl, Frank the Plant, and Harley Quinn’s worst sidekick... The Joker!
What happens when writers from Harley Quinn the TV show and Harley Quinn: The Animated Series: The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour the comic book get together and swap stories from New Gotham? Absolute mayhem, that’s what! Follow what happened to some of your favorite Gotham sidekicks on Tawny Young’s new trash-tastic daytime talk show and watch the chairs fly as they spill the tea! Guest-starring Clayface, Batgirl, Frank the Plant, and Harley Quinn’s worst sidekick... The Joker!
Download Harley Quinn: The Animated Series - The Real Sidekicks of New Gotham Special (Harley Quinn: The Animated Series - The Real Sidekicks of New Gotham Special #1)
CBR (296.3 MB)
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